Similasan Eye Care
Ear Wax Relief
Removes wax and cleans ears without harsh peroxide
Your body should maintain a balanced level of ear wax production, but when that balance is disturbed, it can result in discomfort.
Similasan Ear Wax Relief can help temporarily relieve your discomfort by removing excessive ear wax while cleaning the ear. It helps naturally maintain normal wax levels without harsh peroxide. Ear Wax Relief ear drops stimulate the body’s natural ability to reduce ear wax congestion, relieving the clogged sensation, ringing and itching of the ear canal; all without drying your ear.
- Non-Drying
- Peroxide Free
- Alcohol Free
- Gluten & Dairy Free
- Cleans Ear
- Removes Ear Wax
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.