WishGarden Herbs

Kick-It Biotic KIDS


Children have different immune systems, tolerances, and sensitivities, and they also get sick (a lot!). WishGarden Herbs' Kick-It Biotic 2 oz Pump is a formula for kids helps to support your children's immune systems. This formula is great for kids when they are in high-germ environments, such as school and indoor play.

Kick-It Biotic KIDS Benefits

  • Supports a child's natural resistance and healthy immunity.
  • Powerful herbs for when your child is ready to feel better fast.
  • Gluten-free and Vegan.

While all our pregnancy, postpartum and children's formulas contain organic gluten-free alcohol— which is used to extract the herbal constituents and preserve the tincture — our finished products have as much alcohol as a ripe banana per serving.


Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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