Repair Guard (90tabs)
PERQUE Repair Guard 90ct is your solution for managing inflammation (repair deficits) and for stimulating cell repair naturally. PERQUE Repair Guard more effectively enhances both the body’s innate immune system and the ability to repair effectively than any other anti-inflammatory or flavonoid/flavanol combination
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Advil™ or ibuprofen, work by blocking the body’s cyclooxygenase system even though this enzyme catalyst is essential for the body to repair itself. NSAID side effects include dizziness, constipation, ringing in the ears, increased blood pressure and intestinal ulcers. COX2 inhibitors such as Celebrex™ can increase risk of heart attack and stroke. PERQUE Repair Guard achieves similar benefits in safer and more effective, natural ways. When healthy repair is restored and completed, a down regulation of COX2 occurs naturally.
Unique Antioxidant Synergies
- Quercetin dihydrate (1000 mg) is the safest and most easily absorbed form of quercetin. The body only assimilates about 1% of most forms of quercetin, yet it easily absorbs 100% of monomeric quercetin dihydrate.
- Pomegranate juice powder (60 mg) is a potent antioxidant known for its pro-repair, anti-inflammatory, free radical trapping properties. Pomegranate juice is prized and recommended for its many health properties.
- OPC flavanols (10 mg) provide advanced cell stress protection and connective tissue (collagen and elastin) restoration.
- ORAC values refer to the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity of a food which denotes its antioxidant power. With the superior antioxidant ingredients in PERQUE Repair Guard, when tested, it was found to have an ORAC value of 485,600 per 100 grams much higher than the well-known antioxidant rich foods like mangosteen, dark cherry, and prunes. According to USDA criteria, one (1) PERQUE Repair Guard has the ORAC protection equal to a dozen portions of fruits and vegetables.
Oligomeric proanthocyanidins are known collectively as OPCs. PERQUE Repair Guard’s OPCs can be absorbed into cell membranes, protecting against both fat- and water-soluble free radicals. OPCs are also able to cross the blood-brain barrier and protect the brain against oxidative stress and free-radical damage.
Because OPCs are so diverse, they deliver synergistic antioxidant benefits with vitamins C or E. In addition, OPCs quench the free radicals involved in inflammation and allergies. They also enhance the effectiveness of the body’s natural killer cells and boost the body’s natural anticancer defenses.
Potent Protection
The colorful pigments in plants protect them from free-radical damage, among other functions. Lower rates of autoimmune, heart, vascular as well as cancer are typically found in populations that consume higher levels of flavonoids and flavanols.
Quercetin Dihydrate: Venerable Healing
Quercetin dihydrate is a yellow-green flavonoid from the sacred Saphora Japonica tree that, in its soluble, monomeric, low molecular weight form, helps reduce allergic and inflammatory responses by promoting repair and stabilizing delicate cell membranes. Research confirms antiviral and antioxidant benefits from the form uniquely used in PERQUE Repair Guard.
Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum) possesses the following properties:
- Phenomenal antioxidant and anti inflammatory results
- Strong bacteriostatic effects
- Prostate health promotion
- Cancer risk reduction. Pomegranate juice contains polyphenols, tannins and anthocyanins that have antiatherosclerotic properties.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.